Arizona State Legislature

Research Intern with Elections Committee

Phoenix, Arizona | Dec 2013 - May 2014

Nick's Work at Arizona State Legislature

At the heart of the Arizona State Legislature, I delved into the intricate world of public policy during my tenure as a Research Intern with the Elections Committee. This pivotal role was rooted in objective research, bipartisan collaboration, and fostering transparent communication:

Objective Policy Analysis

Undertook meticulous research on all proposed bills within the committee. My primary goal was to ensure transparency and comprehension of potential legislative consequences for both lawmakers and the general public, adhering to a strictly non-partisan ethos.

Bipartisan Collaboration

Acted as a bridge of knowledge between research staff and the Senate, collaborating closely with both Democratic and Republican staff. My role was pivotal in briefing senators on the nuances of proposed legislation, enabling informed decision-making.

Peer Recognition

In a testament to my dedication and collaborative spirit, I was honored with a nomination from fellow interns to serve as the representative voice for our cohort, fostering a collaborative environment among the intern community.

Agency Engagement

Engaged in strategic legislative relations visits to several key state agencies, including Agriculture, Department of Corrections, Auditor General, Treasury, Environmental, and Education. These interactions provided deeper insights into the interconnected workings of the state’s administrative machinery.

Nick Jones Senate
Nick Jones Senate
Nick Jones Senate
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